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Vaccine Mercury BS

October 18, 2011


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Anti-vaccine people are idiots. Stupid, annoying, waste of breath IDIOTS. There, a concrete opinion from me.
Anyways, the part that I'm shredding at today is the mercury content of vaccines, Thiomersal in paticular as it made the news..Again.

Here is some SIMPLE math to consider:


*Public Health Agency of Canada (2010)
**US EPA Recommendations (2010)

% of Mercury in Thiomersal (C9H9HgNaO2S) per Mol

Element Atomic Weight Mols Total (g)
C 12.01 9 108.09
H 1.008 9 9.072
Hg 200.59 1 200.59
Na 22.99 1 22.99
O 16.00 2 32.00
S 32.07 1 32.07

% of Mercury in Thiomersal = 200.59g / 404.81g = 49.6%

The Simple Math

Amount of fish equal to a single shot
Mshot / Mfish = 2.05 oz

1 Flu Shot = 2oz. of Tuna = 17.04% of your DAILY safe intake

So. Eat 1/3 less can of fish the day you get the shot and you won't even notice it. Besides, how many people eat 2 cans of fish (12 oz) a day, every day anyways???

And for the last freaking time; ONE flu shot, ONCE a year is equal to 1/3 of a CAN OF TUNA. Any questions?

Maybe Worry About This Instead

Mercury is used to make caustic soda, which is one of the products used to make high-fructose corn syrup. It's outdated technology, and there are many other safer methods, and North American standards ban the process. But if you buy from overseas, you don't need the same standards.

You want some products that have tested positive for mercury in the past 5-7 years?? Here you go:

Let's deal with the real problems people!!!