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Safety Factor Vs. Redundancy

August 25, 2011


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While researching redundancy, I stumbled across this gem: Factor of Safety Versus Redundancy - The Cliff-Hanger Question. I suggest you read it yourself and ignore my summary. This guy is good, you can actually understand him. But if not, read on.

The premise is really simple; "Imagine you were hanging off a cliff. Is it safer to be attached to 2 ropes or a single rope that is twice as strong?"

Basically there are 4 scenarios:

Variables and Answers

Now then, here are the variables (not that you really need them):

So. Math aside, here are the answers.

Case λ Redundancy
(N + K)
P(x) Comment
1 1.5 N + 0 0.0828 Base Case
2 3.0 N + 0 0.000783 Increase λ only
3 1.5 N + 1 0.00685 Increase redundancy only
4 3.0 N + 1 0.000 000 613 Increase λ and redundancy

Now, some food for thought...Two ropes are better than one double strength rope, but if they are only through a single anchor that gives way, or the rope snaps in the middle, what do you do?