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July 12, 2011


Outdoors (12)
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Outdoors (3)
Food (19)
Erudition (12)
Projects (6)
Scouting (4)
Programming (5)
Art (4)
Bad math (9)
Mis-information (4)
Minecraft (4)
Random (12)

Why is this hidden? Because I can :)

*cough* *ahem*

Scott Gordon

Scott Gordon was born in Calgary AB, on February 29, 1984 after procrastinating his own birth for 3 weeks (much to his moms digust). He got his first lego set at 5 (ages 5 and up) and has since aquired a rather large garbage bin full of it. He has a robotics (ASNT) diploma from SAIT, balanced out by having absolutely no formal web or other programming training. He dabbles in all sorts of technical fields, but his true passion is camping and climbing.

Egads, that sounds dry...

I probably heard my middle name 2 or 3 times a day from my mother. I was (arguably still am) one of those annoying kids you went to school with who didn't pay attention in class, did no homework, and yet still got good marks. I read voraciously, to the point that I look up to wonder where the last 5 hours have gone and why my back is sore. My favorite authors are David Gemmell, Andre Norton, David Weber, Anne McCaffery, and Mercedes Lackey. There are dozens of other authors too. I like fiction with strong female leads (not enough of them out there), but I'm not adverse to male leads. I dislike dramas and abhore duex ex machina (Arthur C. Clarke I'm looking at you!). I'm trending into the darker fictions, I find them more gripping.

When I'm not reading, or programming, or playing with electronics, or designing my own climbing gear, or researching mathamatical theories, I will be found outdoors. If I have a 2+ day stretch and someone to go with me, I'll be backcountry camping as far from technology and civilization as possible. I like winter camping cause there are no people or bugs...And it's quiet. If I don't have 2+ days, or no one to go with, I am probably doing one of the following:

I am truely indifferent to skating, biking, and running.

I love dogs, but I don't have a lifestyle or house to have one of my own. Cats are an acceptable substitute for a dog. I also am a scout leader (venturers specifically). I prefer working with teenagers, which make people look at me sideways. I dislike facebook.

There are probably a thousand more things I could say, but then what would I have to talk about on a date??
